This is the Base.Adjunction.Closure module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} module Base.Adjunction.Closure where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library --------------------------------------- open import Agda.Primitive using () renaming ( Set to Type ) import Algebra.Definitions open import Data.Product using ( Σ-syntax ; _,_ ; _×_ ) open import Function using ( _∘₂_ ) open import Function.Bundles using ( _↔_ ; Inverse) open import Level using ( _⊔_ ; Level ) open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using ( Poset ) open import Relation.Binary.Core using ( Rel ; _Preserves_⟶_ ) open import Relation.Unary using ( Pred ; _∈_ ; ⋂ ) import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.PartialOrder as ≤-Reasoning private variable α ρ ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level a : Type α
A closure system on a set X
is a collection 𝒞
of subsets of X
that is closed
under arbitrary intersection (including the empty intersection, so ⋂ ∅ = X ∈ 𝒞
Thus a closure system is a complete meet semilattice with respect to the subset
inclusion ordering.
Since every complete meet semilattice is automatically a complete lattice, the closed sets of a closure system form a complete lattice. (See J.B. Nation’s Lattice Theory Notes, Theorem 2.5.)
Some examples of closure systems are the following:
Extensive : Rel a ρ → (a → a) → Type _ Extensive _≤_ C = ∀{x} → x ≤ C x -- (We might propose a new stdlib equivalent to Extensive in, e.g., `Relation.Binary.Core`.) module _ {χ ρ ℓ : Level}{X : Type χ} where IntersectClosed : Pred (Pred X ℓ) ρ → Type _ IntersectClosed C = ∀ {I : Type ℓ}{c : I → Pred X ℓ} → (∀ i → (c i) ∈ C) → ⋂ I c ∈ C ClosureSystem : Type _ ClosureSystem = Σ[ C ∈ Pred (Pred X ℓ) ρ ] IntersectClosed C
Let 𝑷 = (P, ≤)
be a poset. An function C : P → P
is called a closure operator
on 𝑷
if it is
∀ x → x ≤ C x
∀ x y → x ≤ y → C x ≤ C y
∀ x → C (C x) = C x
Thus, a closure operator is an extensive, idempotent poset endomorphism.
-- ClOp, the inhabitants of which denote closure operators. record ClOp {ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}(𝑨 : Poset ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂) : Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ₂ ⊔ ℓ₁) where open Poset 𝑨 private A = Carrier open Algebra.Definitions (_≈_) field C : A → A isExtensive : Extensive _≤_ C isOrderPreserving : C Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ isIdempotent : IdempotentFun C
open ClOp open Inverse module _ {𝑨 : Poset ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂}(𝑪 : ClOp 𝑨) where open Poset 𝑨 open ≤-Reasoning 𝑨 private c = C 𝑪 A = Carrier
Theorem 1. If 𝑨 = (A , ≦)
is a poset and c
is a closure operator on A
, then
∀ (x y : A) → (x ≦ (c y) ↔ (c x) ≦ (c y))
clop→law⇒ : (x y : A) → x ≤ (c y) → (c x) ≤ (c y) clop→law⇒ x y x≤cy = begin c x ≤⟨ isOrderPreserving 𝑪 x≤cy ⟩ c (c y) ≈⟨ isIdempotent 𝑪 y ⟩ c y ∎ clop→law⇐ : (x y : A) → (c x) ≤ (c y) → x ≤ (c y) clop→law⇐ x y cx≤cy = begin x ≤⟨ isExtensive 𝑪 ⟩ c x ≤⟨ cx≤cy ⟩ c y ∎
The converse of Theorem 1 also holds. That is,
Theorem 2. If 𝑨 = (A , ≤)
is a poset and c : A → A
∀ (x y : A) → (x ≤ (c y) ↔ (c x) ≤ (c y))
then `c` is a closure operator on `A`.
module _ {𝑨 : Poset ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂} where open Poset 𝑨 private A = Carrier open Algebra.Definitions (_≈_) clop←law : (c : A → A) → ((x y : A) → (x ≤ (c y) ↔ (c x) ≤ (c y))) → Extensive _≤_ c × c Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ × IdempotentFun c clop←law c hyp = e , (o , i) where e : Extensive _≤_ c e = (from ∘₂ hyp) _ _ refl o : c Preserves _≤_ ⟶ _≤_ o u = (to ∘₂ hyp) _ _ (trans u e) i : IdempotentFun c i x = antisym ((to ∘₂ hyp) _ _ refl) ((from ∘₂ hyp) _ _ refl)