↑ Top

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe --cubical #-}

-- Imports from the Agda (Builtin) and the Agda Standard Library
open import Agda.Primitive using (_⊔_; lsuc)

-- Imports from Cubical Agda
open import Cubical.Core.Primitives using (_≡_; Type; Level; Σ-syntax; fst; snd; _,_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude using (refl; sym; _∙_; Lift; lift; lower)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function using (_∘_)

module Cubical.Overture.Preliminaries where

 α β : Level

{-Pi types. The dependent function type is traditionally denoted with a Pi symbol
  typically arranged as Π(x : A) B x, or something similar.  In Agda syntax, one writes
  `(x : A) → B x` for the dependent function type, but may use syntax that is closer
  to the standard Π notation and made available in Agda as follows.-}
Π : {A : Type α } (B : A  Type β )  Type (α  β)   -- `\lub` ↝ ⊔
Π {A = A} B = (x : A)  B x
Π-syntax : (A : Type α)(B : A  Type β)  Type (α  β)
Π-syntax A B = Π B
syntax Π-syntax A  x  B) = Π[ x  A ] B
infix 6 Π-syntax

module _ {A : Type α }{B : A  Type β} where

 ∣_∣ : Σ[ x  A ] B x  A
  x , y  = x

 ∥_∥ : (z : Σ[ a  A ] B a)  B  z 
  x , y  = y

 infix  40 ∣_∣ ∥_∥

_⁻¹ : {A : Type α} {x y : A}  x  y  y  x
p ⁻¹ = sym p
infix  40 _⁻¹

id : {A : Type α}  A  A
id x = x

𝑖𝑑 : (A : Type α )  A  A
𝑖𝑑 A = λ x  x

lift∼lower : {A : Type α}  lift  lower  𝑖𝑑 (Lift {j = β} A)
lift∼lower = refl

lower∼lift : {A : Type α}  lower {α}{β}(lift {α}{β}(λ x  x))  𝑖𝑑 A
lower∼lift = refl

_≈_ : {A : Type α } {B : A  Type β }  Π B  Π B  Type (α  β)
f  g =  x  f x  g x

infix 8 _≈_

– THE END – ——————————————————————-