------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Applicative functors ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note that currently the applicative functor laws are not included -- here. {-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} module Category.Applicative where open import Level using (Level; suc; _⊔_) open import Data.Unit open import Category.Applicative.Indexed private variable f : Level RawApplicative : (Set f Set f) Set (suc f) RawApplicative F = RawIApplicative {I = } λ _ _ F module RawApplicative {F : Set f Set f} (app : RawApplicative F) where open RawIApplicative app public RawApplicativeZero : (Set f Set f) Set (suc f) RawApplicativeZero F = RawIApplicativeZero {I = } _ _ F) module RawApplicativeZero {F : Set f Set f} (app : RawApplicativeZero F) where open RawIApplicativeZero app public RawAlternative : (Set f Set f) Set _ RawAlternative F = RawIAlternative {I = } _ _ F) module RawAlternative {F : Set f Set f} (app : RawAlternative F) where open RawIAlternative app public