------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- The Maybe type and some operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The definitions in this file are reexported by Data.Maybe. {-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-} module Data.Maybe.Base where open import Level using (Level; Lift) open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false; not) open import Data.Unit.Base using () open import Data.These.Base using (These; this; that; these) open import Data.Product.Base as Prod using (_×_; _,_) open import Function.Base using (_∘_; id; const) import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core as Dec private variable a b c : Level A : Set a B : Set b C : Set c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definition open import Agda.Builtin.Maybe public using (Maybe; just; nothing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some operations boolToMaybe : Bool Maybe boolToMaybe true = just _ boolToMaybe false = nothing is-just : Maybe A Bool is-just (just _) = true is-just nothing = false is-nothing : Maybe A Bool is-nothing = not is-just -- A dependent eliminator. maybe : {A : Set a} {B : Maybe A Set b} ((x : A) B (just x)) B nothing (x : Maybe A) B x maybe j n (just x) = j x maybe j n nothing = n -- A non-dependent eliminator. maybe′ : (A B) B Maybe A B maybe′ = maybe -- A defaulting mechanism fromMaybe : A Maybe A A fromMaybe = maybe′ id -- A safe variant of "fromJust". If the value is nothing, then the -- return type is the unit type. module _ {a} {A : Set a} where From-just : Maybe A Set a From-just (just _) = A From-just nothing = Lift a from-just : (x : Maybe A) From-just x from-just (just x) = x from-just nothing = _ -- Functoriality: map map : (A B) Maybe A Maybe B map f = maybe (just f) nothing -- Applicative: ap ap : Maybe (A B) Maybe A Maybe B ap nothing = const nothing ap (just f) = map f -- Monad: bind infixl 1 _>>=_ _>>=_ : Maybe A (A Maybe B) Maybe B nothing >>= f = nothing just a >>= f = f a -- Alternative: <∣> infixr 6 _<∣>_ _<∣>_ : Maybe A Maybe A Maybe A just x <∣> my = just x nothing <∣> my = my -- Just when the boolean is true when : Bool A Maybe A when b c = map (const c) (boolToMaybe b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Aligning and zipping alignWith : (These A B C) Maybe A Maybe B Maybe C alignWith f (just a) (just b) = just (f (these a b)) alignWith f (just a) nothing = just (f (this a)) alignWith f nothing (just b) = just (f (that b)) alignWith f nothing nothing = nothing zipWith : (A B C) Maybe A Maybe B Maybe C zipWith f (just a) (just b) = just (f a b) zipWith _ _ _ = nothing align : Maybe A Maybe B Maybe (These A B) align = alignWith id zip : Maybe A Maybe B Maybe (A × B) zip = zipWith _,_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Injections. thisM : A Maybe B These A B thisM a = maybe′ (these a) (this a) thatM : Maybe A B These A B thatM = maybe′ these that ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- DEPRECATED NAMES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is -- not guaranteed. -- Version 2.1 -- decToMaybe open Dec using (decToMaybe) public