This is the Base.Homomorphisms.Kernels module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} open import Overture using ( Signature; 𝓞 ; 𝓥 ) module Base.Homomorphisms.Kernels {𝑆 : Signature 𝓞 𝓥} where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library -------------------------------- open import Data.Product using ( _,_ ) open import Function.Base using ( _∘_ ) open import Level using ( Level ; _⊔_ ; suc ) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using ( _≡_ ; module ≡-Reasoning ; refl ) -- Imports from the Agda Universal Algebras Library -------------------------------- open import Overture using ( ∣_∣ ; ∥_∥ ; _⁻¹ ) open import Base.Functions using ( Image_∋_ ; IsSurjective ) open import Base.Equality using ( swelldef ) open import Base.Relations using ( ker ; ker-IsEquivalence ; ⟪_⟫ ; mkblk ) open import Base.Algebras {𝑆 = 𝑆} using ( Algebra ; compatible ; _̂_ ; Con ; mkcon ; _╱_ ; IsCongruence ; /-≡ ) open import Base.Homomorphisms.Basic {𝑆 = 𝑆} using ( hom ; epi ; epi→hom ) private variable α β : Level
The kernel of a homomorphism is a congruence relation and conversely for every congruence relation θ, there exists a homomorphism with kernel θ (namely, that canonical projection onto the quotient modulo θ).
module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α} where open ≡-Reasoning homker-comp : swelldef 𝓥 β → {𝑩 : Algebra β}(h : hom 𝑨 𝑩) → compatible 𝑨 (ker ∣ h ∣) homker-comp wd {𝑩} h f {u}{v} kuv = ∣ h ∣((f ̂ 𝑨) u) ≡⟨ ∥ h ∥ f u ⟩ (f ̂ 𝑩)(∣ h ∣ ∘ u) ≡⟨ wd(f ̂ 𝑩)(∣ h ∣ ∘ u)(∣ h ∣ ∘ v)kuv ⟩ (f ̂ 𝑩)(∣ h ∣ ∘ v) ≡⟨ (∥ h ∥ f v)⁻¹ ⟩ ∣ h ∣((f ̂ 𝑨) v) ∎
(Notice, it is here that the swelldef
postulate comes into play, and because it
is needed to prove homker-comp
, it is postulated by all the lemmas below that
depend upon homker-comp
It is convenient to define a function that takes a homomorphism and constructs a
congruence from its kernel. We call this function kercon
kercon : swelldef 𝓥 β → {𝑩 : Algebra β} → hom 𝑨 𝑩 → Con{α}{β} 𝑨 kercon wd {𝑩} h = ker ∣ h ∣ , mkcon (ker-IsEquivalence ∣ h ∣)(homker-comp wd {𝑩} h)
With this congruence we construct the corresponding quotient, along with some syntactic sugar to denote it.
kerquo : swelldef 𝓥 β → {𝑩 : Algebra β} → hom 𝑨 𝑩 → Algebra (α ⊔ suc β) kerquo wd {𝑩} h = 𝑨 ╱ (kercon wd {𝑩} h) ker[_⇒_]_↾_ : (𝑨 : Algebra α)(𝑩 : Algebra β) → hom 𝑨 𝑩 → swelldef 𝓥 β → Algebra (α ⊔ suc β) ker[ 𝑨 ⇒ 𝑩 ] h ↾ wd = kerquo wd {𝑩} h
Thus, given h : hom 𝑨 𝑩
, we can construct the quotient of 𝑨
modulo the kernel
of h
, and the syntax for this quotient in the
agda-algebras library is
𝑨 [ 𝑩 ]/ker h ↾ fe
Given an algebra 𝑨
and a congruence θ
, the canonical projection is a map
from 𝑨
onto 𝑨 ╱ θ
that is constructed, and proved epimorphic, as follows.
module _ {α β : Level}{𝑨 : Algebra α} where πepi : (θ : Con{α}{β} 𝑨) → epi 𝑨 (𝑨 ╱ θ) πepi θ = (λ a → ⟪ a ⟫) , (λ _ _ → refl) , cπ-is-epic where cπ-is-epic : IsSurjective (λ a → ⟪ a ⟫) cπ-is-epic (C , mkblk a refl ) = Image_∋_.eq a refl
In may happen that we don’t care about the surjectivity of πepi
, in which case
would might prefer to work with the homomorphic reduct of πepi
. This is
obtained by applying epi-to-hom
, like so.
πhom : (θ : Con{α}{β} 𝑨) → hom 𝑨 (𝑨 ╱ θ) πhom θ = epi→hom (𝑨 ╱ θ) (πepi θ)
We combine the foregoing to define a function that takes 𝑆-algebras 𝑨
and 𝑩
and a homomorphism h : hom 𝑨 𝑩
and returns the canonical epimorphism from 𝑨
onto 𝑨 [ 𝑩 ]/ker h
. (Recall, the latter is the special notation we defined above
for the quotient of 𝑨
modulo the kernel of h
πker : (wd : swelldef 𝓥 β){𝑩 : Algebra β}(h : hom 𝑨 𝑩) → epi 𝑨 (ker[ 𝑨 ⇒ 𝑩 ] h ↾ wd) πker wd {𝑩} h = πepi (kercon wd {𝑩} h)
The kernel of the canonical projection of 𝑨
onto 𝑨 / θ
is equal to θ
, but
since equality of inhabitants of certain types (like Congruence
or Rel
) can be
a tricky business, we settle for proving the containment 𝑨 / θ ⊆ θ
. Of the two
containments, this is the easier one to prove; luckily it is also the one we need
open IsCongruence ker-in-con : {wd : swelldef 𝓥 (α ⊔ suc β)}(θ : Con 𝑨) → ∀ {x}{y} → ∣ kercon wd {𝑨 ╱ θ} (πhom θ) ∣ x y → ∣ θ ∣ x y ker-in-con θ hyp = /-≡ θ hyp
← Base.Homomorphisms.Properties Base.Homomorphisms.Products →