This is the Setoid.Algebras.Products module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} open import Overture using (𝓞 ; 𝓥 ; Signature) module Setoid.Algebras.Products {𝑆 : Signature 𝓞 𝓥} where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library -------------------------------- open import Agda.Primitive using () renaming ( Set to Type ) open import Data.Product using ( _,_ ; Σ-syntax ) open import Function using ( flip ; Func ) open import Level using( _⊔_ ; Level ) open import Relation.Binary using ( Setoid ; IsEquivalence ; Decidable ) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using ( refl ; _≡_ ) open import Relation.Unary using ( Pred ; _⊆_ ; _∈_ ) open Func using ( cong ) renaming ( to to _⟨$⟩_ ) open Setoid using ( Carrier ; _≈_ ) renaming ( isEquivalence to isEqv ) open IsEquivalence using () renaming ( refl to reflE ; sym to symE ; trans to transE ) -- Imports from agda-algebras ----------------------------------------------------- open import Overture using ( ∣_∣; ∥_∥ ) open import Base.Functions using ( proj ; projIsOnto ) renaming ( IsSurjective to onto ) open import Setoid.Algebras.Basic {𝑆 = 𝑆} using ( Algebra ; _̂_ ; ov ; 𝕌[_]) private variable α ρ ι : Level open Algebra ⨅ : {I : Type ι }(𝒜 : I → Algebra α ρ) → Algebra (α ⊔ ι) (ρ ⊔ ι) Domain (⨅ {I} 𝒜) = record { Carrier = ∀ i → Carrier (Domain (𝒜 i)) ; _≈_ = λ a b → ∀ i → Domain (𝒜 i) ._≈_ (a i) (b i) ; isEquivalence = record { refl = λ i → reflE (isEqv (Domain (𝒜 i))) ; sym = λ x i → symE (isEqv (Domain (𝒜 i)))(x i) ; trans = λ x y i → transE (isEqv (Domain (𝒜 i)))(x i)(y i) } } (Interp (⨅ {I} 𝒜)) ⟨$⟩ (f , a) = λ i → (f ̂ (𝒜 i)) (flip a i) cong (Interp (⨅ {I} 𝒜)) (refl , f=g ) = λ i → cong (Interp (𝒜 i)) (refl , flip f=g i )
module _ {𝒦 : Pred (Algebra α ρ) (ov α)} where ℑ : Type (ov(α ⊔ ρ)) ℑ = Σ[ 𝑨 ∈ (Algebra α ρ) ] 𝑨 ∈ 𝒦 𝔄 : ℑ → Algebra α ρ 𝔄 i = ∣ i ∣ class-product : Algebra (ov (α ⊔ ρ)) _ class-product = ⨅ 𝔄
If p : 𝑨 ∈ 𝒦
, we view the pair (𝑨 , p) ∈ ℑ
as an index over the class,
so we can think of 𝔄 (𝑨 , p)
(which is simply 𝑨
) as the projection of the
product ⨅ 𝔄
onto the (𝑨 , p)
-th component.
Suppose I
is an index type and 𝒜 : I → Algebra α ρ
is an indexed collection of algebras.
Let ⨅ 𝒜
be the product algebra defined above. Given i : I
, consider the projection of ⨅ 𝒜
onto the i-th
coordinate. Of course this projection ought to be a surjective map from ⨅ 𝒜
𝒜 i
. However, this is impossible if I
is just an arbitrary type. Indeed, we must have an
equality defined on I
and this equality must be decidable, and we must assume that
each factor of the product is nonempty. In the [Setoid.Overture.Surjective][] module
we showed how to define a decidable index type in Agda. Here we use this to prove that the
projection of a product of algebras over such an index type is surjective.
module _ {I : Type ι} -- index type {_≟_ : Decidable{A = I} _≡_} -- with decidable equality {𝒜 : I → Algebra α ρ} -- indexed collection of algebras {𝒜I : ∀ i → 𝕌[ 𝒜 i ] } -- each of which is nonempty where ProjAlgIsOnto : ∀{i} → Σ[ h ∈ (𝕌[ ⨅ 𝒜 ] → 𝕌[ 𝒜 i ]) ] onto h ProjAlgIsOnto {i} = (proj _≟_ 𝒜I i) , projIsOnto _≟_ 𝒜I