This is the Setoid.Functions.Surjective module of the agda-algebras library.
A surjective function from a setoid 𝑨 = (A, ≈₀)
to a setoid 𝑩 = (B, ≈₁)
is a function f : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩
such that for all b : B
there exists a : A
such that (f ⟨$⟩ a) ≈₁ b
. In other words, the range and codomain of f
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} module Setoid.Functions.Surjective where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library -------------------------- open import Agda.Primitive using () renaming ( Set to Type ) open import Data.Product using ( _,_ ; Σ-syntax ) renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd) open import Function using ( Surjection ; IsSurjection ; _$_ ; _∘_ ) renaming ( Func to _⟶_ ) open import Level using ( _⊔_ ; Level ) open import Relation.Binary using ( Setoid ; IsEquivalence ) open import Function.Construct.Composition renaming ( isSurjection to isOnto ) using () import Function.Definitions as FD -- Imports from agda-algebras ----------------------------------------------- open import Overture using ( ∣_∣ ; ∥_∥ ; ∃-syntax ; transport ) open import Setoid.Functions.Basic using ( _⊙_ ) open import Setoid.Functions.Inverses using ( Img_∋_ ; Image_∋_ ; Inv ; InvIsInverseʳ ) private variable α ρᵃ β ρᵇ γ ρᶜ : Level open Image_∋_ module _ {𝑨 : Setoid α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Setoid β ρᵇ} where open Setoid 𝑨 renaming (Carrier to A; _≈_ to _≈₁_; isEquivalence to isEqA ) using () open Setoid 𝑩 renaming (Carrier to B; _≈_ to _≈₂_; isEquivalence to isEqB ) using ( trans ; sym ) open Surjection {a = α}{ρᵃ}{β}{ρᵇ}{From = 𝑨}{To = 𝑩} renaming (to to _⟨$⟩_) open _⟶_ {a = α}{ρᵃ}{β}{ρᵇ}{From = 𝑨}{To = 𝑩} renaming (to to _⟨$⟩_ ) open FD isSurj : (A → B) → Type (α ⊔ β ⊔ ρᵇ) isSurj f = ∀ {y} → Img_∋_ {𝑨 = 𝑨}{𝑩 = 𝑩} f y IsSurjective : (𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩) → Type (α ⊔ β ⊔ ρᵇ) IsSurjective F = ∀ {y} → Image F ∋ y isSurj→IsSurjective : (F : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩) → isSurj (_⟨$⟩_ F) → IsSurjective F isSurj→IsSurjective F isSurjF {y} = hyp isSurjF where hyp : Img (_⟨$⟩_ F) ∋ y → Image F ∋ y hyp (Img_∋_.eq a x) = eq a x open Image_∋_ SurjectionIsSurjective : (Surjection 𝑨 𝑩) → Σ[ g ∈ (𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩) ] (IsSurjective g) SurjectionIsSurjective s = g , gE where g : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩 g = (record { to = _⟨$⟩_ s ; cong = cong s }) gE : IsSurjective g gE {y} = eq ∣ (surjective s) y ∣ (sym (snd (surjective s y) (IsEquivalence.refl isEqA))) SurjectionIsSurjection : (Surjection 𝑨 𝑩) → Σ[ g ∈ (𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩) ] (IsSurjection _≈₁_ _≈₂_ (_⟨$⟩_ g)) SurjectionIsSurjection s = g , gE where g : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩 g = record { to = _⟨$⟩_ s ; cong = cong s } gE : IsSurjection _≈₁_ _≈₂_ (_⟨$⟩_ g) gE .IsSurjection.isCongruent = record { cong = cong g ; isEquivalence₁ = isEqA ; isEquivalence₂ = isEqB } gE .IsSurjection.surjective y = ∣ (surjective s) y ∣ , ∥ (surjective s) y ∥
With the next definition we represent a right-inverse of a surjective setoid function.
SurjInv : (f : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩) → IsSurjective f → B → A SurjInv f fE b = Inv f (fE {b})
Thus, a right-inverse of f
is obtained by applying Inv
to f
and a proof of IsSurjective f
. Next we prove that this does indeed give the right-inverse.
SurjInvIsInverseʳ : (f : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩)(fE : IsSurjective f) → ∀ {b} → f ⟨$⟩ (SurjInv f fE) b ≈₂ b SurjInvIsInverseʳ f fE = InvIsInverseʳ fE
Next, we prove composition laws for epics.
module _ {𝑨 : Setoid α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Setoid β ρᵇ}{𝑪 : Setoid γ ρᶜ} where open Setoid 𝑨 using () renaming (Carrier to A; _≈_ to _≈₁_) open Setoid 𝑩 using ( trans ; sym ) renaming (Carrier to B; _≈_ to _≈₂_) open Setoid 𝑪 using () renaming (Carrier to C; _≈_ to _≈₃_) open Surjection renaming (to to _⟨$⟩_) open _⟶_ renaming (to to _⟨$⟩_ ) open FD ⊙-IsSurjective : {G : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑪}{H : 𝑪 ⟶ 𝑩} → IsSurjective G → IsSurjective H → IsSurjective (H ⊙ G) ⊙-IsSurjective {G} {H} gE hE {y} = Goal where mp : Image H ∋ y → Image H ⊙ G ∋ y mp (eq c p) = η gE where η : Image G ∋ c → Image H ⊙ G ∋ y η (eq a q) = eq a $ trans p $ cong H q Goal : Image H ⊙ G ∋ y Goal = mp hE ∘-epic : Surjection 𝑨 𝑪 → Surjection 𝑪 𝑩 → Surjection 𝑨 𝑩 (∘-epic g h) = h ⟨$⟩_ ∘ g ⟨$⟩_ Surjection.cong (∘-epic g h) = cong h ∘ cong g Surjection.surjective (∘-epic g h) = surjective $ isOnto ∥ SurjectionIsSurjection g ∥ ∥ SurjectionIsSurjection h ∥ where open IsSurjection epic-factor : (f : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑩)(g : 𝑨 ⟶ 𝑪)(h : 𝑪 ⟶ 𝑩) → IsSurjective f → (∀ i → (f ⟨$⟩ i) ≈₂ ((h ⊙ g) ⟨$⟩ i)) → IsSurjective h epic-factor f g h fE compId {y} = Goal where finv : B → A finv = SurjInv f fE ζ : y ≈₂ (f ⟨$⟩ (finv y)) ζ = sym $ SurjInvIsInverseʳ f fE η : y ≈₂ ((h ⊙ g) ⟨$⟩ (finv y)) η = trans ζ $ compId $ finv y Goal : Image h ∋ y Goal = eq (g ⟨$⟩ (finv y)) η