↑ Top

Type Transformers

This is the Base.Functions.Transformers module of the agda-algebras library. Here we define functions for translating from one type to another.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-}

module Base.Functions.Transformers where

-- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library -------------------------------
open import Agda.Primitive  using () renaming ( Set to Type )
open import Data.Product    using ( _,_ ; _×_ )
open import Data.Fin.Base   using ( Fin )
open import Function.Base   using ( _∘_ ; id )
open import Level           using ( _⊔_ ; Level )

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
                            using ( _≡_ ; refl ; module ≡-Reasoning )

-- Imports from agda-algebras ----------------------------------------------------
open import Overture using ( _≈_ )

private variable a b : Level

Bijections of nondependent function types

In set theory, these would simply be bijections between sets, or “set isomorphisms.”

record Bijection (A : Type a)(B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
  to       : A  B
  from     : B  A
  to-from  : to  from  id
  from-to  : from  to  id

∣_∣=∣_∣ : (A : Type a)(B : Type b)  Type (a  b)
 A ∣=∣ B  = Bijection A B

record PointwiseBijection (A : Type a)(B : Type b) : Type (a  b) where
  to       : A  B
  from     : B  A
  to-from  : to  from  id
  from-to  : from  to  id

∣_∣≈∣_∣ : (A : Type a)(B : Type b)  Type (a  b)
 A ∣≈∣ B  = PointwiseBijection A B

uncurry₀ : {A : Type a}  A  A  (A × A)
uncurry₀ x y = x , y

module _ {A : Type a} {B : Type b} where

 Curry : ((A × A)  B)  A  A  B
 Curry f x y = f (uncurry₀ x y)

 Uncurry : (A  A  B)  A × A  B
 Uncurry f (x , y) = f x y

 A×A→B≅A→A→B :  (A × A  B) ∣=∣ (A  A  B) 
 A×A→B≅A→A→B = record  { to = Curry ; from = Uncurry
                       ; to-from = refl ; from-to = refl }

Non-bijective transformations

module _ {A : Type a} where
 open Fin renaming (zero to z ; suc to s)

 A×A→Fin2A : A × A  Fin 2  A
 A×A→Fin2A (x , y) z = x
 A×A→Fin2A (x , y) (s z) = y

 Fin2A→A×A : (Fin 2  A)  A × A
 Fin2A→A×A u = u z , u (s z)

 Fin2A~A×A : {A : Type a}  Fin2A→A×A  A×A→Fin2A  id
 Fin2A~A×A = refl

 A×A~Fin2A-ptws :  u  (A×A→Fin2A (Fin2A→A×A u))  u
 A×A~Fin2A-ptws u z = refl
 A×A~Fin2A-ptws u (s z) = refl

 A→A→Fin2A : A  A  Fin 2  A
 A→A→Fin2A x y z = x
 A→A→Fin2A x y (s _) = y

 A→A→Fin2A' : A  A  Fin 2  A
 A→A→Fin2A' x y = u
  u : Fin 2  A
  u z = x
  u (s z) = y

 A→A→Fin2A-ptws-agree : (x y : A)   i  (A→A→Fin2A x y) i  (A→A→Fin2A' x y) i
 A→A→Fin2A-ptws-agree x y z = refl
 A→A→Fin2A-ptws-agree x y (s z) = refl

 A→A~Fin2A-ptws : (v : Fin 2  A)   i  A→A→Fin2A (v z) (v (s z)) i  v i
 A→A~Fin2A-ptws v z = refl
 A→A~Fin2A-ptws v (s z) = refl

 Fin2A : (Fin 2  A)  Fin 2  A
 Fin2A u z = u z
 Fin2A u (s z) = u (s z)
 Fin2A u (s (s ()))

 Fin2A≡ : (u : Fin 2  A)   i  (Fin2A u) i  u i
 Fin2A≡ u z = refl
 Fin2A≡ u (s z) = refl

Somehow we cannot establish a bijection between the two seemingly isomorphic function types, (Fin 2 → A) → B and A × A → B, nor between the types (Fin 2 → A) → B and A → A → B.

module _ {A : Type a} {B : Type b} where
 open Fin renaming (zero to z ; suc to s)

 lemma : (u : Fin 2  A)  u   {z  u z ; (s z)  u (s z)})
 lemma u z = refl
 lemma u (s z) = refl

 CurryFin2 : ((Fin 2  A)  B)  A  A  B
 CurryFin2 f x y = f (A→A→Fin2A x y)

 UncurryFin2 : (A  A  B)  ((Fin 2  A)  B)
 UncurryFin2 f u = f (u z) (u (s z))

 CurryFin2~UncurryFin2 : CurryFin2  UncurryFin2  id
 CurryFin2~UncurryFin2 = refl

 open ≡-Reasoning

 CurryFin3 : {A : Type a}  ((Fin 3  A)  B)  A  A  A  B
 CurryFin3 {A = A} f x₁ x₂ x₃ = f u
  u : Fin 3  A
  u z = x₁
  u (s z) = x₂
  u (s (s z)) = x₃

 UncurryFin3 : (A  A  A  B)  ((Fin 3  A)  B)
 UncurryFin3 f u = f (u z) (u (s z)) (u (s (s z)))

 Fin2A→B-to-A×A→B : ((Fin 2  A)  B)  A × A  B
 Fin2A→B-to-A×A→B f = f  A×A→Fin2A

 A×A→B-to-Fin2A→B : (A × A  B)  ((Fin 2  A)  B)
 A×A→B-to-Fin2A→B f = f  Fin2A→A×A

 Fin2A→B~A×A→B : Fin2A→B-to-A×A→B  A×A→B-to-Fin2A→B  id
 Fin2A→B~A×A→B = refl

← Base.Functions.Inverses Base.Relations →