This is the Base.Homomorphisms.Factor module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library in which we prove the following theorem:
If τ : hom 𝑨 𝑩
, ν : hom 𝑨 𝑪
, ν
is surjective, and ker ν ⊆ ker τ
, then there exists φ : hom 𝑪 𝑩
such that τ = φ ∘ ν
so the following diagram commutes:
𝑨 --- ν ->> 𝑪
\ .
\ .
τ φ
\ .
\ .
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} open import Overture using ( 𝓞 ; 𝓥 ; Signature ) module Base.Homomorphisms.Factor {𝑆 : Signature 𝓞 𝓥} where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library --------------------------------------- open import Data.Product using ( Σ-syntax ; _,_ ) renaming ( proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd ) open import Function using ( _∘_ ) open import Level using ( Level ) open import Relation.Unary using ( _⊆_ ) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≡ using ( module ≡-Reasoning ; _≡_ ) -- Imports from agda-algebras -------------------------------------------------------------- open import Overture using ( ∣_∣ ; ∥_∥ ; _⁻¹ ) open import Base.Equality using ( swelldef ) open import Base.Relations using ( kernel ) open import Base.Functions using ( IsSurjective ; SurjInv ) using ( SurjInvIsInverseʳ ; epic-factor ) open import Base.Algebras {𝑆 = 𝑆} using ( Algebra ; _̂_) open import Base.Homomorphisms.Basic {𝑆 = 𝑆} using ( hom ; epi ) private variable α β γ : Level module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α}{𝑪 : Algebra γ} where open ≡-Reasoning HomFactor : swelldef 𝓥 γ → (𝑩 : Algebra β)(τ : hom 𝑨 𝑩)(ν : hom 𝑨 𝑪) → kernel ∣ ν ∣ ⊆ kernel ∣ τ ∣ → IsSurjective ∣ ν ∣ ----------------------------------------------------- → Σ[ φ ∈ (hom 𝑪 𝑩)] ∀ x → ∣ τ ∣ x ≡ ∣ φ ∣ (∣ ν ∣ x) HomFactor wd 𝑩 τ ν Kντ νE = (φ , φIsHomCB) , τφν where νInv : ∣ 𝑪 ∣ → ∣ 𝑨 ∣ νInv = SurjInv ∣ ν ∣ νE η : ∀ c → ∣ ν ∣ (νInv c) ≡ c η c = SurjInvIsInverseʳ ∣ ν ∣ νE c φ : ∣ 𝑪 ∣ → ∣ 𝑩 ∣ φ = ∣ τ ∣ ∘ νInv ξ : ∀ a → kernel ∣ ν ∣ (a , νInv (∣ ν ∣ a)) ξ a = (η (∣ ν ∣ a))⁻¹ τφν : ∀ x → ∣ τ ∣ x ≡ φ (∣ ν ∣ x) τφν = λ x → Kντ (ξ x) φIsHomCB : ∀ 𝑓 c → φ ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑪) c) ≡ ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑩)(φ ∘ c)) φIsHomCB 𝑓 c = φ ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑪) c) ≡⟨ goal ⟩ φ ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑪)(∣ ν ∣ ∘(νInv ∘ c))) ≡⟨ ≡.cong φ (∥ ν ∥ 𝑓 (νInv ∘ c))⁻¹ ⟩ φ (∣ ν ∣((𝑓 ̂ 𝑨)(νInv ∘ c))) ≡⟨ (τφν ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑨)(νInv ∘ c)))⁻¹ ⟩ ∣ τ ∣((𝑓 ̂ 𝑨)(νInv ∘ c)) ≡⟨ ∥ τ ∥ 𝑓 (νInv ∘ c) ⟩ (𝑓 ̂ 𝑩)(λ x → ∣ τ ∣(νInv (c x))) ∎ where goal : φ ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑪) c) ≡ φ ((𝑓 ̂ 𝑪) (∣ ν ∣ ∘(νInv ∘ c))) goal = ≡.cong φ (wd (𝑓 ̂ 𝑪) c (∣ ν ∣ ∘ (νInv ∘ c)) λ i → (η (c i))⁻¹)
If, in addition to the hypotheses of the last theorem, we assume τ
is epic, then so is φ
HomFactorEpi : swelldef 𝓥 γ → (𝑩 : Algebra β)(τ : hom 𝑨 𝑩)(ν : hom 𝑨 𝑪) → kernel ∣ ν ∣ ⊆ kernel ∣ τ ∣ → IsSurjective ∣ ν ∣ → IsSurjective ∣ τ ∣ --------------------------------------------- → Σ[ φ ∈ epi 𝑪 𝑩 ] ∀ x → ∣ τ ∣ x ≡ ∣ φ ∣ (∣ ν ∣ x) HomFactorEpi wd 𝑩 τ ν kerincl νe τe = (fst ∣ φF ∣ ,(snd ∣ φF ∣ , φE)), ∥ φF ∥ where φF : Σ[ φ ∈ hom 𝑪 𝑩 ] ∀ x → ∣ τ ∣ x ≡ ∣ φ ∣ (∣ ν ∣ x) φF = HomFactor wd 𝑩 τ ν kerincl νe φ : ∣ 𝑪 ∣ → ∣ 𝑩 ∣ φ = ∣ τ ∣ ∘ (SurjInv ∣ ν ∣ νe) φE : IsSurjective φ φE = epic-factor ∣ τ ∣ ∣ ν ∣ φ ∥ φF ∥ τe
← Base.Homomorphisms.Noether Base.Homomorphisms.Isomorphisms →