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Homomorphic images of setoid algebras

This is the Setoid.Homomorphisms.HomomorphicImages module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-}

open import Overture using (π“ž ; π“₯ ; Signature)

module Setoid.Homomorphisms.HomomorphicImages {𝑆 : Signature π“ž π“₯} where

-- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library ------------------------------------------
open import Agda.Primitive   using () renaming ( Set to Type )
open import Data.Product     using ( _,_ ; Ξ£-syntax )
                             renaming ( _Γ—_ to _∧_ ; proj₁ to fst ; projβ‚‚ to snd )
open import Function         using ( Func ; _on_ ; _∘_ ; id )
open import Level            using ( Level ; _βŠ”_ ; suc )
open import Relation.Binary  using ( Setoid ; _Preserves_⟢_ )
open import Relation.Unary   using ( Pred ; _∈_ )

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as ≑ using ()

-- Imports from the Agda Universal Algebra Library ---------------------------------------------
open import Overture          using  ( ∣_∣ ; βˆ₯_βˆ₯ ; transport )
open  import Setoid.Functions
      using ( lift∼lower ; Ran ; _range ; _preimage ; _image ; Inv ; Image_βˆ‹_ )
      using ( _preimageβ‰ˆimage ; InvIsInverseΚ³ ; IsSurjective ; βŠ™-IsSurjective )

open  import Setoid.Algebras {𝑆 = 𝑆}
      using ( Algebra ; ov ; _Μ‚_ ; ⟨_⟩ ; Lift-AlgΛ‘ ; Lift-Alg ; π•Œ[_] )

open import Setoid.Homomorphisms.Basic {𝑆 = 𝑆}         using ( hom ; IsHom )
open import Setoid.Homomorphisms.Isomorphisms {𝑆 = 𝑆}  using ( _β‰…_ ; Lift-β‰… )

open  import Setoid.Homomorphisms.Properties {𝑆 = 𝑆}
      using ( Lift-homΛ‘ ; ToLiftΛ‘ ; lift-hom-lemma ; 𝒾𝒹 ; βŠ™-hom )

open Algebra

private variable Ξ± ρᡃ Ξ² ρᡇ : Level

We begin with what seems, for our purposes, the most useful way to represent the class of homomorphic images of an algebra in dependent type theory.

open IsHom

_IsHomImageOf_ : (𝑩 : Algebra Ξ² ρᡇ)(𝑨 : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ) β†’ Type _
𝑩 IsHomImageOf 𝑨 = Ξ£[ Ο† ∈ hom 𝑨 𝑩 ] IsSurjective ∣ Ο† ∣

HomImages : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ β†’ Type (Ξ± βŠ” ρᡃ βŠ” ov (Ξ² βŠ” ρᡇ))
HomImages {Ξ² = Ξ²}{ρᡇ = ρᡇ} 𝑨 = Ξ£[ 𝑩 ∈ Algebra Ξ² ρᡇ ] 𝑩 IsHomImageOf 𝑨

IdHomImage : {𝑨 : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ} β†’ 𝑨 IsHomImageOf 𝑨
IdHomImage {Ξ± = Ξ±}{𝑨 = 𝑨} = 𝒾𝒹 , Ξ» {y} β†’ Image_βˆ‹_.eq y refl
 where open Setoid (Domain 𝑨) using ( refl )

These types should be self-explanatory, but just to be sure, let’s describe the Sigma type appearing in the second definition. Given an 𝑆-algebra 𝑨 : Algebra Ξ± ρ, the type HomImages 𝑨 denotes the class 𝒦 of algebras such that 𝑩 ∈ 𝒦 provided there is a surjective homomorphism from 𝑨 to 𝑩.

The image algebra of a hom

Here we show how to construct a Algebra (called ImageAlgebra below) that is the image of given hom.

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ}{𝑩 : Algebra Ξ² ρᡇ} where
 open Algebra 𝑨  renaming (Domain to A )                      using (Interp)
 open Setoid A   renaming ( _β‰ˆ_ to _β‰ˆβ‚_ ; Carrier to ∣A∣)     using ()
 open Algebra 𝑩  renaming (Domain to B ; Interp to InterpB )  using ()
 open Setoid B   renaming ( _β‰ˆ_ to _β‰ˆβ‚‚_ ; refl to reflβ‚‚ )     using ( reflexive )
                 renaming ( sym to symβ‚‚ ; trans to transβ‚‚ ; Carrier to ∣B∣)
 open Func       renaming ( to to _⟨$⟩_ )                       using ( cong )
 open IsHom

 HomImageOf[_] : hom 𝑨 𝑩 β†’ Algebra (Ξ± βŠ” Ξ² βŠ” ρᡇ) ρᡇ
 HomImageOf[ h ] =
  record { Domain = Ran ∣ h ∣ ; Interp = record { to = f' ; cong = cong' } }
   open Setoid(⟨ 𝑆 ⟩ (Ran ∣ h ∣))
    using() renaming (Carrier to SRanh ; _β‰ˆ_ to _β‰ˆβ‚ƒ_ ; refl to refl₃ )

   hhom :  βˆ€ {𝑓}(x : βˆ₯ 𝑆 βˆ₯ 𝑓 β†’ ∣ h ∣ range )
    β†’      (∣ h ∣ ⟨$⟩ (𝑓 Μ‚ 𝑨) ((∣ h ∣ preimage) ∘ x)) β‰ˆβ‚‚ (𝑓 Μ‚ 𝑩) ((∣ h ∣ image) ∘ x)

   hhom {𝑓} x = transβ‚‚ (compatible βˆ₯ h βˆ₯) (cong InterpB (≑.refl , (∣ h ∣ preimageβ‰ˆimage) ∘ x))

   f' : SRanh β†’ ∣ h ∣ range
   f' (𝑓 , x) =  (𝑓 Μ‚ 𝑩)((∣ h ∣ image)∘ x)        -- b : the image in ∣B∣
                 , (𝑓 Μ‚ 𝑨)((∣ h ∣ preimage) ∘ x)  -- a : the preimage in ∣A∣
                 , hhom x                        -- p : proof that `(∣ h ∣ ⟨$⟩ a) β‰ˆβ‚‚ b`

   cong' : βˆ€ {x y} β†’ x β‰ˆβ‚ƒ y β†’ ((∣ h ∣ image) (f' x)) β‰ˆβ‚‚ ((∣ h ∣ image) (f' y))
   cong' {(𝑓 , u)} {(.𝑓 , v)} (≑.refl , EqA) = Goal
    -- Alternative formulation of the goal:
    goal : (𝑓 Μ‚ 𝑩)(Ξ» i β†’ ((∣ h ∣ image)(u i))) β‰ˆβ‚‚ (𝑓 Μ‚ 𝑩)(Ξ» i β†’ ((∣ h ∣ image) (v i)))
    goal = cong InterpB (≑.refl , EqA )

    Goal : (∣ h ∣ image) (f' (𝑓 , u)) β‰ˆβ‚‚ (∣ h ∣ image) (f' (𝑓 , v))
    Goal = goal
    -- Note: `EqA : βˆ€ i β†’ (∣ h ∣ image) (u i) β‰ˆβ‚‚ (∣ h ∣ image) (v i)`

Homomorphic images of classes of setoid algebras

Given a class 𝒦 of 𝑆-algebras, we need a type that expresses the assertion that a given algebra is a homomorphic image of some algebra in the class, as well as a type that represents all such homomorphic images.

IsHomImageOfClass : {𝒦 : Pred (Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ)(suc Ξ±)} β†’ Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ β†’ Type (ov (Ξ± βŠ” ρᡃ))
IsHomImageOfClass {𝒦 = 𝒦} 𝑩 = Ξ£[ 𝑨 ∈ Algebra _ _ ] ((𝑨 ∈ 𝒦) ∧ (𝑩 IsHomImageOf 𝑨))

HomImageOfClass : Pred (Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ) (suc Ξ±) β†’ Type (ov (Ξ± βŠ” ρᡃ))
HomImageOfClass 𝒦 = Ξ£[ 𝑩 ∈ Algebra _ _ ] IsHomImageOfClass {𝒦 = 𝒦} 𝑩

Lifting tools

Here are some tools that have been useful (e.g., in the road to the proof of Birkhoff’s HSP theorem). The first states and proves the simple fact that the lift of an epimorphism is an epimorphism.

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ}{𝑩 : Algebra Ξ² ρᡇ} where
 open Algebra 𝑨  using ()               renaming ( Domain to A )
 open Algebra 𝑩  using ()               renaming ( Domain to B )
 open Setoid B   using ( sym ; trans )  renaming ( _β‰ˆ_ to _β‰ˆβ‚‚_ )
 open Func       using ( cong )         renaming ( to to _⟨$⟩_ )
 open Level      using ( lift ; lower )

 Lift-epi-is-epiΛ‘ :  (h : hom 𝑨 𝑩)(ℓᡃ ℓᡇ : Level)
  β†’                  IsSurjective ∣ h ∣ β†’ IsSurjective ∣ Lift-homΛ‘ {𝑨 = 𝑨}{𝑩} h ℓᡃ ℓᡇ ∣

 Lift-epi-is-epiΛ‘ h ℓᡃ ℓᡇ hepi {b} = Goal
  open Algebra (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑩 ℓᡇ) using () renaming (Domain to lB )
  open Setoid lB using () renaming ( _β‰ˆ_ to _β‰ˆβ‚—β‚‚_ )

  a : π•Œ[ 𝑨 ]
  a = Inv ∣ h ∣ hepi

  lem1 : b β‰ˆβ‚—β‚‚ (lift (lower b))
  lem1 = lift∼lower {𝑨 = B} b

  lem2' : (lower b) β‰ˆβ‚‚ (∣ h ∣ ⟨$⟩ a)
  lem2' = sym  (InvIsInverseΚ³ hepi)

  lem2 : (lift (lower b)) β‰ˆβ‚—β‚‚ (lift (∣ h ∣ ⟨$⟩ a))
  lem2 = cong{From = B} ∣ ToLiftΛ‘{𝑨 = 𝑩}{ℓᡇ} ∣ lem2'

  lem3 : (lift (∣ h ∣ ⟨$⟩ a)) β‰ˆβ‚—β‚‚ ((∣ Lift-homΛ‘ h ℓᡃ ℓᡇ ∣ ⟨$⟩ lift a))
  lem3 = lift-hom-lemma h a ℓᡃ ℓᡇ

  Ξ· : b β‰ˆβ‚—β‚‚ (∣ Lift-homΛ‘ h ℓᡃ ℓᡇ ∣ ⟨$⟩ lift a)
  Ξ· = trans lem1 (trans lem2 lem3)

  Goal : Image ∣ Lift-homΛ‘ h ℓᡃ ℓᡇ ∣ βˆ‹ b
  Goal = Image_βˆ‹_.eq (lift a) Ξ·

 Lift-Alg-hom-imageΛ‘ :  (ℓᡃ ℓᡇ : Level) β†’ 𝑩 IsHomImageOf 𝑨
  β†’                     (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑩 ℓᡇ) IsHomImageOf (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑨 ℓᡃ)

 Lift-Alg-hom-imageΛ‘ ℓᡃ ℓᡇ ((Ο† , Ο†hom) , Ο†epic) = Goal
  lΟ† : hom (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑨 ℓᡃ) (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑩 ℓᡇ)
  lΟ† = Lift-homΛ‘ {𝑨 = 𝑨}{𝑩} (Ο† , Ο†hom) ℓᡃ ℓᡇ

  lΟ†epic : IsSurjective ∣ lΟ† ∣
  lΟ†epic = Lift-epi-is-epiΛ‘ (Ο† , Ο†hom) ℓᡃ ℓᡇ Ο†epic
  Goal : (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑩 ℓᡇ) IsHomImageOf (Lift-AlgΛ‘ 𝑨 ℓᡃ)
  Goal = lφ , lφepic

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ}{𝑩 : Algebra Ξ² ρᡇ} where
 open _β‰…_
 Lift-HomImage-lemma : βˆ€{Ξ³} β†’ (Lift-Alg 𝑨 Ξ³ Ξ³) IsHomImageOf 𝑩 β†’ 𝑨 IsHomImageOf 𝑩
 Lift-HomImage-lemma {Ξ³} Ο† =  βŠ™-hom ∣ Ο† ∣ (from Lift-β‰…) ,
                              βŠ™-IsSurjective βˆ₯ Ο† βˆ₯ (fromIsSurjective (Lift-β‰…{𝑨 = 𝑨}))

module _ {𝑨 𝑨' : Algebra Ξ± ρᡃ}{𝑩 : Algebra Ξ² ρᡇ} where
 open _β‰…_
 HomImage-β‰… : 𝑨 IsHomImageOf 𝑨' β†’ 𝑨 β‰… 𝑩 β†’ 𝑩 IsHomImageOf 𝑨'
 HomImage-β‰… Ο† Aβ‰…B = βŠ™-hom ∣ Ο† ∣ (to Aβ‰…B) , βŠ™-IsSurjective βˆ₯ Ο† βˆ₯ (toIsSurjective Aβ‰…B)

 HomImage-β‰…' : 𝑨 IsHomImageOf 𝑨' β†’ 𝑨' β‰… 𝑩 β†’ 𝑨 IsHomImageOf 𝑩
 HomImage-β‰…' Ο† A'β‰…B = (βŠ™-hom (from A'β‰…B) ∣ Ο† ∣) , βŠ™-IsSurjective (fromIsSurjective A'β‰…B) βˆ₯ Ο† βˆ₯

← Setoid.Homomorphisms.Isomorphisms Setoid.Terms β†’