↑ Top

Properties of the subalgebra relation for setoid algebras

This is the Setoid.Subalgebras.Properties module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-}

open import Overture using (𝓞 ; 𝓥 ; Signature)

module Setoid.Subalgebras.Properties {𝑆 : Signature 𝓞 𝓥} where

-- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library ------------------------------------
open import Agda.Primitive   using ()       renaming ( Set to Type )
open import Data.Product     using ( _,_ )  renaming ( proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd )
open import Function         using ( _∘_ )  renaming ( Func to _⟶_ )
open import Level            using ( Level ; _⊔_ )
open import Relation.Binary  using ( Setoid )
open import Relation.Unary   using ( Pred ; _⊆_ )

import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning

-- Imports from the Agda Universal Algebra Library ---------------------------------------------------
open  import Overture using ( ∣_∣ ; ∥_∥ )
open  import Setoid.Functions
      using ( id-is-injective ; module compose ; IsInjective ; ⊙-injective )

open  import Setoid.Algebras {𝑆 = 𝑆}
      using ( Algebra ; Lift-Algˡ ; Lift-Algʳ ; Lift-Alg ; ov ;  )

open  import Setoid.Homomorphisms {𝑆 = 𝑆}
      using ( hom ; IsHom ; 𝒾𝒹 ; ⊙-hom ; _≅_ ; ≅toInjective ; ≅fromInjective )
      using ( mkiso ; ≅-sym ; ≅-refl ; ≅-trans ; Lift-≅ˡ ; Lift-≅ ; Lift-≅ʳ)

open  import Setoid.Subalgebras.Subalgebras {𝑆 = 𝑆}
      using ( _≤_ ; _≥_ ; _IsSubalgebraOfClass_ ; _≤c_ )

private variable α ρᵃ β ρᵇ γ ρᶜ ι : Level

The subalgebra relation is a preorder, i.e., a reflexive, transitive binary relation.

open _≅_

≅→≤ : {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  𝑩
≅→≤ φ = (to φ) , ≅toInjective φ

≅→≥ : {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  𝑩
≅→≥ φ = (from φ) , ≅fromInjective φ

≤-refl : {𝑨 𝑩 : Algebra α ρᵃ}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  𝑩
≤-refl {𝑨 = 𝑨}{𝑩} A≅B = ≅→≤ A≅B

≥-refl : {𝑨 𝑩 : Algebra α ρᵃ}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  𝑩
≥-refl {𝑨 = 𝑨}{𝑩} A≅B = ≅→≤ (≅-sym A≅B)

≤-reflexive : {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}  𝑨  𝑨
≤-reflexive {𝑨 = 𝑨} = 𝒾𝒹 , id-is-injective{𝑨 = Algebra.Domain 𝑨}

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ}{𝑪 : Algebra γ ρᶜ} where
 open Algebra using ( Domain )
 open Setoid (Domain 𝑩) using () renaming ( _≈_ to _≈₂_ ; Carrier to ∣B∣ )
 open Setoid (Domain 𝑪) using () renaming ( _≈_ to _≈₃_ ; Carrier to ∣C∣ )

 ≤-trans : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 ≤-trans ( f , finj ) ( g , ginj ) = (⊙-hom f g) , ⊙-injective  f   g  finj ginj

 ≤-trans-≅ : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 ≤-trans-≅ (h , hinj) B≅C =  ⊙-hom h (to B≅C) ,
                             ⊙-injective  h   to B≅C  hinj (≅toInjective B≅C)

 ≅-trans-≤ : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 ≅-trans-≤ A≅B (h , hinj) =  ⊙-hom (to A≅B) h ,
                             ⊙-injective  to A≅B   h  (≅toInjective A≅B) hinj

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ}{𝑪 : Algebra γ ρᶜ} where
 ≥-trans : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 ≥-trans A≥B B≥C = ≤-trans B≥C A≥B

≤→≤c→≤c :  {𝑨 : Algebra α α}{𝑩 : Algebra α α}{𝒦 : Pred(Algebra α α) (ov α)}
          𝑨  𝑩  𝑩 ≤c 𝒦  𝑨 ≤c 𝒦

≤→≤c→≤c {𝑨 = 𝑨} A≤B sB =  sB  , (fst  sB  , ≤-trans A≤B (snd  sB ))

module _ {α ρᵃ ρ : Level} where

 open import Relation.Binary.Structures
  {a = ov(α  ρᵃ)}{ = (𝓞  𝓥  α  ρᵃ)} (_≅_ {α}{ρᵃ}{α}{ρᵃ})
 open IsPreorder
 ≤-preorder : IsPreorder _≤_
 isEquivalence  ≤-preorder = record { refl = ≅-refl ; sym = ≅-sym ; trans = ≅-trans }
 reflexive      ≤-preorder = ≤-refl
 trans          ≤-preorder A≤B B≤C = ≤-trans A≤B B≤C

open _≅_

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ}{𝑪 : Algebra γ ρᶜ} where

 A≥B×B≅C→A≥C : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 A≥B×B≅C→A≥C A≥B B≅C  = ≥-trans A≥B (≅→≥ B≅C)

 A≤B×B≅C→A≤C : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 A≤B×B≅C→A≤C A≤B B≅C = ≤-trans  A≤B (≅→≤ B≅C)

 A≅B×B≥C→A≥C : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪

 A≅B×B≥C→A≥C A≅B B≥C = ≥-trans (≅→≥ A≅B) B≥C

 A≅B×B≤C→A≤C : 𝑨  𝑩  𝑩  𝑪  𝑨  𝑪
 A≅B×B≤C→A≤C A≅B B≤C = ≤-trans (≅→≤ A≅B) B≤C

open _⟶_ using ( cong ) renaming ( to to _⟨$⟩_ )
module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ} where
 open Algebra 𝑨  using () renaming (Domain to A)
 open Algebra 𝑩  using () renaming (Domain to B)
 open Setoid A   using ( sym )
 open SetoidReasoning A

 iso→injective : (φ : 𝑨  𝑩)  IsInjective  to φ 
 iso→injective (mkiso f g f∼g g∼f) {x}{y} fxfy =
         x                        ≈˘⟨ g∼f x 
          g  ⟨$⟩ ( f  ⟨$⟩ x)  ≈⟨ cong  g  fxfy 
          g  ⟨$⟩ ( f  ⟨$⟩ y)  ≈⟨ g∼f y 

≤-mono :  (𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ){𝒦 𝒦' : Pred (Algebra α ρᵃ) γ}
         𝒦  𝒦'  𝑩 ≤c 𝒦  𝑩 ≤c 𝒦'
≤-mono 𝑩 KK' (𝑨 , (KA , B≤A)) = 𝑨 , ((KK' KA) , B≤A)

Lifts of subalgebras of setoid algebras

module _ {𝒦 : Pred (Algebra α ρᵃ)(ov α)}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ}{ : Level} where

 Lift-is-sub : 𝑩 ≤c 𝒦  (Lift-Algˡ 𝑩 ) ≤c 𝒦
 Lift-is-sub (𝑨 , (KA , B≤A)) = 𝑨 , (KA , A≥B×B≅C→A≥C {𝑨 = 𝑨}{𝑩} B≤A Lift-≅ˡ)

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ} where

 ≤-Liftˡ : { : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  Lift-Algˡ 𝑩 
 ≤-Liftˡ A≤B = A≤B×B≅C→A≤C A≤B Lift-≅ˡ

 ≤-Liftʳ : {ρ : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  Lift-Algʳ 𝑩 ρ
 ≤-Liftʳ A≤B = A≤B×B≅C→A≤C A≤B Lift-≅ʳ

 ≤-Lift : { ρ : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  Lift-Alg 𝑩  ρ
 ≤-Lift A≤B = A≤B×B≅C→A≤C  A≤B Lift-≅

 ≥-Liftˡ : { : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  Lift-Algˡ 𝑩 
 ≥-Liftˡ A≥B = A≥B×B≅C→A≥C A≥B Lift-≅ˡ

 ≥-Liftʳ : {ρ : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  Lift-Algʳ 𝑩 ρ
 ≥-Liftʳ A≥B = A≥B×B≅C→A≥C A≥B Lift-≅ʳ

 ≥-Lift : { ρ : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  𝑨  Lift-Alg 𝑩  ρ
 ≥-Lift A≥B = A≥B×B≅C→A≥C A≥B Lift-≅

module _ {𝑨 : Algebra α ρᵃ}{𝑩 : Algebra β ρᵇ} where

 Lift-≤-Liftˡ : {ℓᵃ ℓᵇ : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  Lift-Algˡ 𝑨 ℓᵃ  Lift-Algˡ 𝑩 ℓᵇ
 Lift-≤-Liftˡ A≤B = ≥-Liftˡ (≤-Liftˡ A≤B)

 Lift-≤-Liftʳ : {rᵃ rᵇ : Level}  𝑨  𝑩  Lift-Algʳ 𝑨 rᵃ  Lift-Algʳ 𝑩 rᵇ
 Lift-≤-Liftʳ A≤B = ≥-Liftʳ (≤-Liftʳ A≤B)

 Lift-≤-Lift :  {a rᵃ b rᵇ : Level}
               𝑨  𝑩  Lift-Alg 𝑨 a rᵃ  Lift-Alg 𝑩 b rᵇ
 Lift-≤-Lift A≤B = ≥-Lift (≤-Lift A≤B)

Products of subalgebras

module _ {I : Type ι}{𝒜 : I  Algebra α ρᵃ}{ : I  Algebra β ρᵇ} where
 open Algebra ( 𝒜)  using () renaming ( Domain to ⨅A )
 open Algebra ( )  using () renaming ( Domain to ⨅B )
 open Setoid ⨅A      using ( refl )
 open IsHom

 ⨅-≤ : (∀ i   i  𝒜 i)      𝒜
 ⨅-≤ B≤A = h , hM
  h : hom ( ) ( 𝒜)
  h = hfunc , hhom
   hi :  i  hom ( i) (𝒜 i)
   hi i =  B≤A i 

   hfunc : ⨅B  ⨅A
   (hfunc ⟨$⟩ x) i =  hi i  ⟨$⟩ (x i)
   cong hfunc = λ xy i  cong  hi i  (xy i)
   hhom : IsHom ( ) ( 𝒜) hfunc
   compatible hhom = λ i  compatible  hi i 

  hM : IsInjective  h 
  hM = λ xy i   B≤A i  (xy i)

← Setoid.Subalgebras.Subalgebras Setoid.Varieties →