This is the Setoid.Terms.Properties module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} open import Overture using (π ; π₯ ; Signature) module Setoid.Terms.Properties {π : Signature π π₯} where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library --------------------- open import Agda.Primitive using () renaming ( Set to Type ) open import Data.Product using ( _,_ ) open import Function.Bundles using () renaming ( Func to _βΆ_ ) open import Function.Base using ( _β_ ) open import Level using ( Level ) open import Relation.Binary using ( Setoid ) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as β‘ using (_β‘_) import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning -- Imports from the Agda Universal Algebra Library ---------------------------- open import Overture using ( β£_β£ ; β₯_β₯ ) open import Setoid.Functions using ( Img_β_ ; eq ; isSurj ; IsSurjective ) using ( isSurjβIsSurjective ) open import Base.Terms {π = π} using ( Term ) open import Setoid.Algebras {π = π} using ( Algebra ; π[_] ; _Μ_ ) open import Setoid.Homomorphisms {π = π} using ( hom ; compatible-map ; IsHom ) open import Setoid.Terms.Basic {π = π} using ( π» ; _β_ ; β-isRefl ) open Term open _βΆ_ using ( cong ) renaming ( f to _β¨$β©_ ) private variable Ξ± Οα΅ Ξ² Οα΅ Ο Ο : Level X : Type Ο
The term algebra π» X
is absolutely free (or universal, or initial) for
algebras in the signature π
. That is, for every π-algebra π¨
, the following hold.
to β£ π¨ β£
lifts to a homomorphism from π» X
to π¨
.We now prove this in Agda, starting with the fact that every map from X
β£ π¨ β£
lifts to a map from β£ π» X β£
to β£ π¨ β£
in a natural way, by induction
on the structure of the given term.
module _ {π¨ : Algebra Ξ± Ο}(h : X β π[ π¨ ]) where open Algebra π¨ using ( Interp ) renaming ( Domain to A ) open Setoid A using ( _β_ ; reflexive ; trans ) renaming ( Carrier to β£Aβ£ ) open Algebra (π» X) using () renaming ( Domain to TX ) open Setoid TX using () renaming ( Carrier to β£TXβ£ ) free-lift : π[ π» X ] β π[ π¨ ] free-lift (β x) = h x free-lift (node f t) = (f Μ π¨) (Ξ» i β free-lift (t i)) free-lift-of-surj-isSurj : isSurj{π¨ = β‘.setoid X}{π© = A} h β isSurj{π¨ = TX}{π© = A} free-lift free-lift-of-surj-isSurj hE {y} = mp p where p : Img h β y p = hE mp : Img h β y β Img free-lift β y mp (eq a x) = eq (β a) x free-lift-func : TX βΆ A free-lift-func β¨$β© x = free-lift x cong free-lift-func = flcong where flcong : β {s t} β s β t β free-lift s β free-lift t flcong (_β_.rfl x) = reflexive (β‘.cong h x) flcong (_β_.gnl x) = cong Interp (β‘.refl , (Ξ» i β flcong (x i)))
Naturally, at the base step of the induction, when the term has the form generator
x, the free lift of h
agrees with h
. For the inductive step, when the given term
has the form node f t
, the free lift is defined as follows: Assuming (the induction
hypothesis) that we know the image of each subterm t i
under the free lift of h
define the free lift at the full term by applying f Μ π¨
to the images of the subterms.
The free lift so defined is a homomorphism by construction. Indeed, here is the trivial proof.
lift-hom : hom (π» X) π¨ lift-hom = free-lift-func , hhom where hfunc : TX βΆ A hfunc = free-lift-func hcomp : compatible-map (π» X) π¨ free-lift-func hcomp {f}{a} = cong Interp (β‘.refl , (Ξ» i β (cong free-lift-func){a i} β-isRefl)) hhom : IsHom (π» X) π¨ hfunc hhom = record { compatible = Ξ»{f}{a} β hcomp{f}{a} }
If we further assume that each of the mappings from X
to β£ π¨ β£
is surjective, then the homomorphisms constructed with free-lift
and lift-hom
are epimorphisms, as we now prove.
lift-of-epi-is-epi : isSurj{π¨ = β‘.setoid X}{π© = A} h β IsSurjective free-lift-func lift-of-epi-is-epi hE = isSurjβIsSurjective free-lift-func (free-lift-of-surj-isSurj hE)
Finally, we prove that the homomorphism is unique. Recall, when we proved this in the module
[Basic.Terms.Properties][], we needed function extensionality. Here, by using setoid equality,
we can omit the swelldef
hypothesis we needed previously to prove free-unique
module _ {π¨ : Algebra Ξ± Ο}{gh hh : hom (π» X) π¨} where open Algebra π¨ using ( Interp ) renaming ( Domain to A ) open Setoid A using ( _β_ ; trans ; sym ) open Algebra (π» X) using () renaming ( Domain to TX ) open _β_ open IsHom private g = _β¨$β©_ β£ gh β£ h = _β¨$β©_ β£ hh β£ free-unique : (β x β g (β x) β h (β x)) β β (t : Term X) β g t β h t free-unique p (β x) = p x free-unique p (node f t) = trans (trans geq lem3) (sym heq) where lem2 : β i β (g (t i)) β (h (t i)) lem2 i = free-unique p (t i) lem3 : (f Μ π¨)(Ξ» i β (g (t i))) β (f Μ π¨)(Ξ» i β (h (t i))) lem3 = cong Interp (_β‘_.refl , lem2) geq : (g (node f t)) β (f Μ π¨)(Ξ» i β (g (t i))) geq = compatible β₯ gh β₯ heq : h (node f t) β (f Μ π¨)(Ξ» i β h (t i)) heq = compatible β₯ hh β₯