This is the Setoid.Varieties.Preservation module of the Agda Universal Algebra Library where we show that the classes \af H \ab{π¦}, \af S \ab{π¦}, \af P \ab{π¦}, and \af V \ab{π¦} all satisfy the same identities.
{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split --safe #-} open import Overture using (π ; π₯ ; Signature) module Setoid.Varieties.Preservation {π : Signature π π₯} where -- Imports from Agda and the Agda Standard Library ------------------------------- open import Agda.Primitive using () renaming ( Set to Type ) open import Data.Product using ( _,_ ) renaming ( projβ to fst ; projβ to snd ) open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using ( β€ ) open import Function using ( _β_ ) renaming ( Func to _βΆ_ ) open import Level using ( Level ; _β_ ) open import Relation.Binary using ( Setoid ) open import Relation.Unary using ( Pred ; _β_ ; _β_ ) import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning -- Imports from the Agda Universal Algebra Library ------------------------------- open import Overture using ( β£_β£ ; β₯_β₯ ) open import Setoid.Functions using ( IsSurjective ; SurjInv ; SurjInvIsInverseΚ³ ) open import Base.Terms {π = π} using ( Term ) open import Setoid.Algebras {π = π} using ( Algebra ; ov ; π[_] ; Lift-Alg ; β¨ ) open import Setoid.Homomorphisms {π = π} using ( β β¨ βΊ-refl ; β -refl ; IdHomImage ; β -sym ) open import Setoid.Terms {π = π} using ( module Environment; comm-hom-term ) open import Setoid.Subalgebras {π = π} using ( _β€_ ; _β€c_ ; β¨ -β€ ; β -trans-β€ ; β€-reflexive ) open import Setoid.Varieties.Closure {π = π} using ( H ; S ; P ; S-expa ; H-expa ; V ; P-expa ; V-expa ;Level-closure ) open import Setoid.Varieties.Properties {π = π} using ( β§-H-invar ; β§-S-invar ; β§-P-invar ; β§-I-invar ) open import Setoid.Varieties.SoundAndComplete {π = π} using ( _β§_ ; _β¨_ ; _β«_ ; Eq ; _βΜ_ ; lhs ; rhs ; _β’_βΉ_β_ ; Th) open _βΆ_ using ( cong ) renaming ( to to _β¨$β©_ ) open Algebra using ( Domain )
The types defined above represent operators with useful closure properties. We now prove a handful of such properties that we need later.
module _ {Ξ± Οα΅ β : Level}{π¦ : Pred(Algebra Ξ± Οα΅) (Ξ± β Οα΅ β ov β)} where private a = Ξ± β Οα΅ oaβ = ov (a β β) SβSP : β{ΞΉ} β S β π¦ β S {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅} (a β β β ΞΉ) (P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅} β ΞΉ π¦) SβSP {ΞΉ} (π¨ , (kA , Bβ€A )) = π¨ , (pA , Bβ€A) where pA : π¨ β P β ΞΉ π¦ pA = β€ , (Ξ» _ β π¨) , (Ξ» _ β kA) , β β¨ βΊ-refl PβSP : β{ΞΉ} β P β ΞΉ π¦ β S (a β β β ΞΉ) (P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}β ΞΉ π¦) PβSP {ΞΉ} x = S-expa{β = a β β β ΞΉ} x PβHSP : β{ΞΉ} β P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅} β ΞΉ π¦ β H (a β β β ΞΉ) (S {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}(a β β β ΞΉ) (P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}β ΞΉ π¦)) PβHSP {ΞΉ} x = H-expa{β = a β β β ΞΉ} (S-expa{β = a β β β ΞΉ} x) PβV : β{ΞΉ} β P β ΞΉ π¦ β V β ΞΉ π¦ PβV = PβHSP SPβV : β{ΞΉ} β S{Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅ = Οα΅} (a β β β ΞΉ) (P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅} β ΞΉ π¦) β V β ΞΉ π¦ SPβV {ΞΉ} x = H-expa{β = a β β β ΞΉ} x
Finally, we are in a position to prove that a product of subalgebras of algebras in a class π¦ is a subalgebra of a product of algebras in π¦.
PSβSP : P (a β β) oaβ (S{Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅} β π¦) β S oaβ (P β oaβ π¦) PSβSP {π©} (I , ( π , sA , Bβ β¨ A )) = Goal where β¬ : I β Algebra Ξ± Οα΅ β¬ i = β£ sA i β£ kB : (i : I) β β¬ i β π¦ kB i = fst β₯ sA i β₯ β¨ Aβ€β¨ B : β¨ π β€ β¨ β¬ β¨ Aβ€β¨ B = β¨ -β€ Ξ» i β snd β₯ sA i β₯ Goal : π© β S{Ξ² = oaβ}{oaβ}oaβ (P {Ξ² = oaβ}{oaβ} β oaβ π¦) Goal = β¨ β¬ , (I , (β¬ , (kB , β -refl))) , (β -trans-β€ Bβ β¨ A β¨ Aβ€β¨ B)
First we prove that the closure operator H is compatible with identities that hold in the given class.
module _ {Ξ± Οα΅ β Ο : Level} {π¦ : Pred(Algebra Ξ± Οα΅) (Ξ± β Οα΅ β ov β)} {X : Type Ο} {p q : Term X} where H-id1 : π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β H {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) H-id1 Ο π© (π¨ , kA , BimgA) = β§-H-invar{p = p}{q} (Ο π¨ kA) BimgA
The converse of the foregoing result is almost too obvious to bother with. Nonetheless, we formalize it for completeness.
H-id2 : H β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) H-id2 Hpq π¨ kA = Hpq π¨ (π¨ , (kA , IdHomImage))
S-id1 : π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β (S {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅} β π¦) β« (p βΜ q) S-id1 Ο π© (π¨ , kA , Bβ€A) = β§-S-invar{p = p}{q} (Ο π¨ kA) Bβ€A S-id2 : S β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) S-id2 Spq π¨ kA = Spq π¨ (π¨ , (kA , β€-reflexive))
P-id1 : β{ΞΉ} β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}β ΞΉ π¦ β« (p βΜ q) P-id1 Ο π¨ (I , π , kA , Aβ β¨ A) = β§-I-invar π¨ p q IH (β -sym Aβ β¨ A) where ih : β i β π i β§ (p βΜ q) ih i = Ο (π i) (kA i) IH : β¨ π β§ (p βΜ q) IH = β§-P-invar {p = p}{q} π ih P-id2 : β{ΞΉ} β P β ΞΉ π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) P-id2{ΞΉ} PKpq π¨ kA = PKpq π¨ (P-expa {β = β}{ΞΉ} kA)
Finally, we prove the analogous preservation lemmas for the closure operator V
module _ {Ξ± Οα΅ β ΞΉ Ο : Level} {π¦ : Pred(Algebra Ξ± Οα΅) (Ξ± β Οα΅ β ov β)} {X : Type Ο} {p q : Term X} where private aβΞΉ = Ξ± β Οα΅ β β β ΞΉ V-id1 : π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β V β ΞΉ π¦ β« (p βΜ q) V-id1 Ο π© (π¨ , (β¨ A , pβ¨ A , Aβ€β¨ A) , BimgA) = H-id1{β = aβΞΉ}{π¦ = S aβΞΉ (P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}β ΞΉ π¦)}{p = p}{q} spKβ§pq π© (π¨ , (spA , BimgA)) where spA : π¨ β S aβΞΉ (P {Ξ² = Ξ±}{Οα΅}β ΞΉ π¦) spA = β¨ A , (pβ¨ A , Aβ€β¨ A) spKβ§pq : S aβΞΉ (P β ΞΉ π¦) β« (p βΜ q) spKβ§pq = S-id1{β = aβΞΉ}{p = p}{q} (P-id1{β = β} {π¦ = π¦}{p = p}{q} Ο) V-id2 : V β ΞΉ π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) V-id2 Vpq π¨ kA = Vpq π¨ (V-expa β ΞΉ kA) Lift-id1 : β{Ξ² Οα΅} β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β Level-closure{Ξ±}{Οα΅}{Ξ²}{Οα΅} β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) Lift-id1 pKq π¨ (π© , kB , Bβ A) Ο = Goal where open Environment π¨ open Setoid (Domain π¨) using (_β_) Goal : β¦ p β§ β¨$β© Ο β β¦ q β§ β¨$β© Ο Goal = β§-I-invar π¨ p q (pKq π© kB) Bβ A Ο
From V-id1
it follows that if π¦ is a class of structures, then the set of identities
modeled by all structures in π¦
is equivalent to the set of identities modeled by all
structures in V π¦
. In other terms, Th (V π¦)
is precisely the set of identities
modeled by π¦
. We formalize this observation as follows.
classIds-β-VIds : π¦ β« (p βΜ q) β (p , q) β Th (V β ΞΉ π¦) classIds-β-VIds pKq π¨ = V-id1 pKq π¨ VIds-β-classIds : (p , q) β Th (V β ΞΉ π¦) β π¦ β« (p βΜ q) VIds-β-classIds Thpq π¨ kA = V-id2 Thpq π¨ kA
β Setoid.Varieties.Properties Setoid.Varieties.FreeAlgebras β